The Wildwoods Boardwalk Special Improvement District, Management Corporation, AKA ‘SID,’ is a private, non-profit management corporation charged with overseeing the Boardwalk Special Improvement District on the North Wildwood and Wildwood portions of the Boardwalk. Created in 1997 by property and business owners on the Wildwoods Boardwalk primarily to provide additional litter pick up in the evenings, SID has expanded its operations into many facets of the Wildwoods Boardwalk. While a small percentage of the operating budget of the SID comes from a special assessment on Boardwalk properties, most of the funding for the SID comes from sources such as sponsorships and tram car revenues.
The SID is overseen by a 14 member board of directors, the majority of whom are elected annually by boardwalk property owners. The Board of Directors formulates an annual plan and operating budget and authorizes its professional management team to implement that plan. From a total budget of $125,000 in 1997, that was primarily used to employee a boardwalk litter patrol, the Boardwalk SID today has an operating budget of approximately $1.3 million and includes such things as the Sightseer Tram Cars, Weekly and July 4th Fireworks, Boardwalk Entertainment, the new Boardwalk Sound System, Operation of the Public Facilities on the Wildwood Boardwalk and key Strategic and Planning Initiatives such as the Boardwalk Design Guidelines, Vision 2015 and the proposed Boardwalk-Crest Bike Path Connector Project.
- SID Annual Report 2015-2016
- Meeting Dates