If you're a licensed professional in Kentucky and looking to start your own business, forming a professional corporation can offer several advantages. By structuring your business as a professional corporation (PC), you can provide liability protection to shareholders while maintaining a professional identity. This guide will walk you through the process of forming a professional corporation in Kentucky, with up-to-date information for 2023.

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What is a Professional Corporation?

A professional corporation (PC) is a specific type of business entity designed for licensed professionals, such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, and accountants, to provide services in their respective fields. It offers individual shareholders personal liability protection similar to a regular corporation, while still maintaining their professional identity.

How to Form a Professional Corporation in Kentucky (2023 Guide) is utterly useful to know, many guides online will act out you about How to Form a Professional Corporation in Kentucky (2023 Guide), however i recommend you checking this How to Form a Professional Corporation in Kentucky (2023 Guide) . I used this a couple of months ago next i was searching on google for How to Form a Professional Corporation in Kentucky (2023 Guide)

Step 1: Choosing a Name for Your Professional Corporation

Choosing a name is the first step in forming a professional corporation in Kentucky. The name must meet all requirements set out by the Kentucky Secretary of State. Here are a few important rules to keep in mind:

1. The name must include the words "Professional Corporation" or the abbreviation "P.C."

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2. It should not imply any business activity beyond the professional services offered.

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3. Ensure the name does not infringe on any existing trademarks.

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Before finalizing your chosen name, it's advisable to conduct a thorough search on the Kentucky Secretary of State's website to check for any conflicts or similarities with existing business names.

Step 2: Prepare the Articles of Incorporation

The next step in forming a professional corporation is drafting and filing the Articles of Incorporation with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office. This document includes important information about your PC, such as:

1. Name and address of the professional corporation

2. The specific professional services the PC will provide

3. Names and addresses of incorporators

4. Licensed individuals authorized to provide professional services

5. The number and classes of shares to be issued

Take the time to carefully prepare the Articles of Incorporation since any mistakes or incomplete information could delay the formation process.

Step 3: Obtain Professional License and Approval

Before the Kentucky Secretary of State approves your professional corporation, all licensed shareholders and individuals designated to provide professional services must obtain the necessary licenses. Depending on your profession, this could involve submitting documentation to the appropriate licensing board, verification of education and experience, and passing applicable exams.

Additionally, some professions may require submitting a Certificate of Good Standing from your professional licensing authority, indicating that you are duly licensed and in good standing. Ensure all licensing requirements are met before submitting the necessary paperwork to the Secretary of State.

Step 4: File the Articles of Incorporation

Once you've prepared all the necessary documentation and obtained required licenses, it's time to file the Articles of Incorporation with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office. You can file the document electronically or by mail, along with the applicable filing fee. The current filing fee is $40 (as of 2023) but always verify the exact fee before submitting.

After submitting the Articles of Incorporation, expect a processing time that may take a few weeks. Ensure all contact information provided is accurate to receive any communication regarding the formation of your professional corporation.

Step 5: Draft Bylaws and Hold an Initial Meeting

After your professional corporation is officially registered with the Kentucky Secretary of State, you'll need to draft bylaws outlining the internal operating rules of your PC. Bylaws typically cover topics such as shareholders' rights and responsibilities, meetings and voting procedures, and specific management structures.

Afterward, hold an initial meeting with all shareholders to approve the bylaws, appoint directors/officers, and establish a date for your first official board meeting. Document these decisions through meeting minutes, signed by all attending shareholders.

Step 6: Comply with Ongoing Requirements

Forming a professional corporation in Kentucky involves ongoing requirements that you should fulfill to maintain good standing with the Secretary of State and other regulatory bodies. Some of these requirements may include:

1. Holding regular shareholder and board meetings, with accurate minutes recorded.

2. Filing annual reports and paying any associated fees to the Kentucky Secretary of State.

3. Complying with specific licensing regulations and maintaining individual professional licensure.

4. Keeping accurate financial records, including tax filings and other regulatory reporting.

Adhering to these requirements will help you avoid penalties or loss of liability protections associated with the professional corporation status.


Forming a professional corporation in Kentucky requires careful planning and adherence to specific guidelines set out by the Kentucky Secretary of State and professional licensing authorities. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently navigate the process and establish a professional corporation that provides personal liability protection to the shareholders while maintaining your professional identity. Always consult with an attorney or professional advisor to ensure compliance with applicable laws and maximize the success of your professional corporation.

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